Re: probably problems with buffer - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: probably problems with buffer (General questions)

by woddrazen, Thursday, December 28, 2006, 17:55 (6539 days ago) @ spettroelica


I'm not sure why it isn't working because I cannot send your command on our server.

Why don't you try with Execute Method instead using Command Method.

Here is complete sample:
ssh1.Protocol = WODSSHCOMLib.ProtocolsEnum.SSH2
ssh1.Hostname = your.hostname
ssh1.Login = your.login
ssh1.Password = your.password
ssh1.Blocking = True

ssh1.WaitFor( regex:[\$ #>] $ )
ssh1.DataReady = 0
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + (ssh1.Execute( shmview -sysmon + vbLf, regex:[\$ #>] $ , 30))

Let us know how it goes.


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