wodFtpDlx problems when listnames is invoked. - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodFtpDlx problems when listnames is invoked. (General questions)

by Andrea Bottoni, Monday, November 20, 2006, 16:42 (6578 days ago)

Good day,
I'm trying to connect wodftpdlx with and as400 ftp server.
When I try to invoke the listnames with a path like /qdls/invoice/ I obtain the following error:
(40501) Specified object name too long, limit is 10 characters.
The responsable of the ftp server told me that I must send the command
to the ftp server before invoke the listnames.
He told me that QUOTE SITE NAMEFMT 1 is necessary to see the directory structure lika a normal ftp server.
How I can do this?
Thanks in advance.

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