COM Error when trying to reply to announce message (General questions)
I am getting a com error when I try to offer DHCP IP Addresses to clients. I imported your DHCP library through the C#.NET interop services. I get the following in my console output (After I caught the error and printed it)
First, my logging to see what I offered:
New Offer: address on for 2147483647 (seconds)
Then the error once I offered it!
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A7531): Couldn't send DHCP offer.
at wodDHCPDComLib.DHCPSessionClass.SendOffer()
at KLSSDHCPServer.KLSSDHCPServer.KLSSDHCPServer_Announce(DHCPSession Session) in C:KLSSSourceKLSSDHCPServerKLSSDHCPServerKLSSDHCPServer.cs:line 308
The code looks like this:
void KLSSDHCPServer_Announce(wodDHCPDComLib.DHCPSession Session)
m_textboxMessages.Text += Client + Session.HardwareAddress + is requesting a DHCP configuration offer.
Lease lease = null;
if (!m_dictionaryMACtoLease.TryGetValue(Session.HardwareAddress, out lease))
lease = new Lease(this, m_listAddresses[0], m_strDomain, m_iLeaseTime);
m_dictionaryMACtoLease.Add(Session.HardwareAddress, lease);
m_textboxMessages.Text += New Offer: address + lease.prop_strIPAddress + on + lease.prop_strDomain + for + lease.prop_iRemainingLeaseTime + (seconds)
System.Console.WriteLine( New Offer: address + lease.prop_strIPAddress + on + lease.prop_strDomain + for + lease.prop_iRemainingLeaseTime + (seconds) );
m_textboxMessages.Text += Re-Offering: address + lease.prop_strIPAddress + on + lease.prop_strDomain + for + lease.prop_iRemainingLeaseTime + (seconds)
System.Console.WriteLine( Re-Offering: address + lease.prop_strIPAddress + on + lease.prop_strDomain + for + lease.prop_iRemainingLeaseTime + (seconds) );
Session.IPAddress = lease.prop_strIPAddress;
Session.LeaseTime = lease.prop_iRemainingLeaseTime;
Line 308>> Session.SendOffer();
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comexception)
lease.LeaseOfferExpired += new Lease.LeaseOfferExpiredDelegate(lease_LeaseOfferExpired);
Any Ideas what is going on? This makes the library a little less than useful... Could this be because I am testing it on my own machine? (I.E. I am essentially using a loopback adapter to test, so my computer has no IP address yet, it is trying to acquire one from the DHCP server that I am writing that is running on the same computer)
Re: COM Error when trying to reply to announce mes
Good luck everyone out there! I just talked to Drazen over the live help. I was told there is absolutely no help from the company for this product. Strangely, it would seem that it would make sense to know what errors I am encountering so that if other software offerings from this company use components of the DHCPServer (i.e. networking), then if there is a bug they can correct it for their other software.
It will be interesting to see if this post get's moderated out
Re: COM Error when trying to reply to announce mes
actually there is a support for this product - just not the free one. I don't understand why you're dissapointed. We could remove the product and not give it to anyone at all. Or, we could give to to everyone for free - like we do.
We have no benefit from it, and you seem to be complaining? I don't see how that can be right.
As I said - if it doesn't suit your needs - you can purchase the source and change it. That way we get at least some reward for whatever we made so far.