listener (General questions)
Hi, was wondering if this product had the ability to listed for file on remote server. I'm grabbing new files and deleting them on remote server by windows task manager, Cron Job. I'm doing this every 5 minutes, an ASP fires and executes the aformentioned procedure. I was wondering if this product had the ability to listen for files in the remote folder then act when there is a file? If not any suggestion on using this product to not have to use Cron job type methods. Thanks
Re: listener
nope, FTP/SFTP protocol doesn't have that option. You should reconnect at some intervals and check if there are new files.
Otherwise doesn't make sense anyway, and you couldn't do it from ASP. If connection is opened all the time from ASP, that means ASP page never is sent to the client in IE, so he never sees any response.
Re: listener
i notice that filzilla has the ability to listen to remote host and mirror files to local, any thought on using this monitoring tool to fire an ASP page. If you don't respond, I understand, as this topic really now has nothing to do with wodSFTP. Thanks
Re: listener
Hi Havey,
Maybe I have solution for you.
You can make VBS script and place it in Scheduled Tasks (in Windows Control Panel) and run VSB script every for example 5 minutes.
VBS script will connect to your server and download and delete files.
Here is example:
Option Explicit
Dim objFTP, lst
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodSFTPCom.1 , wod_ )
objFTP.Hostname = your_server_name
objFTP.Login = your_login
objFTP.Password = your_password
objFTP.Blocking = 1
objFtp.GetFiles c:weonlydo , /home/something/weonlydo
objFtp.DeleteFiles /home/something/weonlydo
Sub wod_Disconnected()
WScript.Echo Done and Disconnected
End Sub
More help how to configure Scheduled Tasks you can find here:
I make it run every five minutes and it works like a charm.
Hope this helps.
Re: listener
Thanks, one more thing, why do you have this:
, wod_ )
at the end of creating the object?
THanks again
Re: listener
It is something from WScript. It tells WScript that functions that start with wod_ are events.