Re: 128 bit blowfish algorithm - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: 128 bit blowfish algorithm (General questions)

by sovan, Tuesday, August 01, 2006, 09:42 (6689 days ago) @ wodSupport

I have applied five 128 bit blowfish algorithm
all have same key and password.
but all gives different result.

Result of Blowfish algo

Password- 1271

1.Easybyte: /Q1v9xIvNyA=

2.Ezcrypto: BVhrBb60XsI=

3.Chilkat: ELEELs54Ro7zZQVTVENuXA==

4.Inbyte: bwUMjzVJ0Ho=

5.WodCrypt: G+SXAmNfqqQ= key-CENTAMAN

why this?
there are more than one component in market but all gives different result. Till now i wont find my required result


I must ask one more thing. I see you mention '128 bit' blowfish algorithm. If it's 128 bit, you would need to have 128 bit key too - but you have large 168 bit key (21 bytes * 8). Perhaps your other tool cuts off the key after 16 bytes?


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