Internal Error 2755.3 (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)
We just bought a copy of SFTP.NET, when I was trying to install it, I got the error Internal Error 2755.3.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I have another question though.
I need to deploy my component which uses and keymanager, could I only copy the dlls to the server and install them to gac or I have to do a installation of both of them?
If I can only copy and install the dlls to gac, how should I reference it in my development machine? The problem I got here is when I install wodSFTP.NET, both of the and key manager got installed into gac, and my problem will run against the copy in the gac on my development and when I deploy it, it cannot find the right dlls from the gac although I have checked that both of them got the exactly version number and public token value.
Thank you very much.