ConsoleApp - Sample fails in VisualStudio 6 (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)
I am a new user of WodSSH dll (c++, Windows XP SP2, Visual Studio 6).
I tried running your sample application called ConsoleApp in SamplesVCATL . The debug version built correctly (the release build failed badly).
When I ran the exe it crashed at [code]pSshCom->Connect ();[/code] with the following message:
[code]The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention.[/code]
Also when I tried to build the relase version I get the following errors.
C:Program FilesWeOnlyDo.ComSSHSamplesVCATLConsoleAppDebug/wodSSH.tlh(38) : error C2011: '_IwodSSHComEvents' : 'struct' type redefinition
C:Program FilesWeOnlyDo.ComSSHSamplesVCATLConsoleAppDebug/wodSSH.tlh(70) : error C2011: 'StatesEnum' : 'enum' type redefinition
C:Program FilesWeOnlyDo.ComSSHSamplesVCATLConsoleAppDebug/wodSSH.tlh(86) : error C2011: 'IwodSSHCom' : 'struct' type redefinition
C:Program FilesWeOnlyDo.ComSSHSamplesVCATLConsoleAppDebug/wodSSH.tlh(499) : error C2011: 'ProtocolsEnum' : 'enum' type redefinition
Error executing cl.exe.
ConsoleApp.exe - 102 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Any help is appreciated.
Re: ConsoleApp - Sample fails in VisualStudio 6
I think I was able to duplicate your problem. Can you please download wodSSH again (or request update, if you're licensed user) and try it out again? It should be fixed.
Re: ConsoleApp - Sample fails in VisualStudio 6
Hi Kreso
Thanks it worked.