Re: Connect event not firing - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Connect event not firing (General questions)

by wodDamir, Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 16:03 (6729 days ago) @ wodDamir


I just tested it in VB6, and it worked for me. What i did is test with following code the way you described in your sample:
Set wodTelnet1 = New wodSSHCom
wodTelnet1.KeepAlives = 0
wodTelnet1.Timeout = 0
wodTelnet1.Blocking = True
wodTelnet1.StripANSI = True
wodTelnet1.HostName = my_hostname
wodTelnet1.Login = my_login
wodTelnet1.Password = my_password
wodTelnet1.Port = 23

I put a msgbox into the Connected Event to see if the Event will be triggered, and I also created another instance of the object, and didn't encounter any problems.

Could you maybe provide me with a small sample for delphi so i could test the exact same thing that happens to you?

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