char #0 - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

char #0 (General questions)

by Ryan Hafey, Thursday, June 15, 2006, 05:01 (6736 days ago)

I am currently using the waitFor method in the SSH component to wait for a particular string.
However, the response i am getting from the server contains a char #0 which is the string terminator in delphi.
I beleive this is causing the waitFor to fail as it always times out.
I am waiting for who=test and the response i am getting is #0who=test .

Once the wait times out, the receive event fires with a large byte count of 90 characters but when i call the recieive method i only get up to the #0.

Is there a way to overcome the #0 problem i am experiencing?


Complete thread:


  • char #0 - Ryan Hafey, 2006-06-15, 05:01 [*]