Re: weonlydo.client.sftp - access denied - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: weonlydo.client.sftp - access denied (General questions)

by wodDrazen, Monday, June 12, 2006, 22:39 (6738 days ago) @ Howie

Hi Howie,

Please send us code snippet of you problem so we can better understand it.

So you are connecting to some server with wodSFTP server and server returns you an error.
If your server has some restriction. He can inform you that you are accessing some folders that you don't have permission, is this possible?

Is that error referring to wodSFTP ActiveX component or to you?
If error is referring to out component this is something that we can do about it.
If error refer to you (to user of that server) than you done something wrong and you must change your code to get it work.

Hope this helps.


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