Crystal Reports freezing with SSHtunnel component - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Crystal Reports freezing with SSHtunnel component (General questions)

by Scott, Friday, June 09, 2006, 11:02 (6742 days ago)

Hey just wondering if anyone has had any trouble using crystal reports in the same vb6 application with the new wodTunnel.exe ???

ABout 75 of the time the application 'has generated errors and will be closed by windows'

Will try and come back with some better info, but it has just started to occur since we started using the wodTunnel.exe in our application, and ONLY happens when it is running.

Re: Crystal Reports freezing with SSHtunnel compon

by scott, Friday, June 09, 2006, 11:11 (6742 days ago) @ Scott

actually it freezes most of the time, not generated errors

Re: Crystal Reports freezing with SSHtunnel compon

by wodDrazen, Friday, June 09, 2006, 11:17 (6742 days ago) @ scott

Hi Scott,

Maybe you can explain us in steps how did you get that error.

We can prepare our environment to get that error (freeze error). If you provide us with enough information.

So if we can tested over here we can maybe help you.

Hope this helps.


Re: Crystal Reports freezing with SSHtunnel compon

by scottah, Thursday, June 15, 2006, 04:57 (6736 days ago) @ wodDrazen

Hi Drazen,

I am certain it is something to do with the SSHtunnel. I now disconnect the DB connection and dispose of the tunnel before loading the crystal report, and then reconnect the tunnel, and db connection, and it works. (A DB connection without the tunnel works every time regardless)

If I went to the trouble of setting up a small demo project that causes the error, would you be able to test it? It would require Crystal Reports 9, and possibly a MySQL DB.

My workaround solution works, so this is not critical, although not optimal either.

Let me know what you think,


Hi Scott,

Maybe you can explain us in steps how did you get that error.

We can prepare our environment to get that error (freeze error). If you provide us with enough information.

So if we can tested over here we can maybe help you.

Hope this helps.


Re: Crystal Reports freezing with SSHtunnel compon

by scottah, Thursday, June 15, 2006, 07:59 (6736 days ago) @ scottah

argh, froze without the ssh tunnel just then. So I guess it could be anything, defintely more prevalent when using the ssh tunnel though. *sigh* computers, who needs em!

Every now and then I get WodTunnel has generated errors windows message and it talks about generating a log, any idea where I can find the log? I've checked the events log, got nothing.

Re: Crystal Reports freezing with SSHtunnel compon

by wodDrazen, Thursday, June 15, 2006, 09:22 (6736 days ago) @ scottah

Hi Scott,

You cannot get such log with wodSSHTunnel ActiveX component.

Didi you try to get that error on some other machine?

Hope I helped.
