Websphere Connection Timing Out - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Websphere Connection Timing Out (General questions)

by ddeloveh, Friday, May 19, 2006, 20:30 (6762 days ago)

In my environment I have windows and unix machines I need to connect to and run commands against. The code below works great for my windows machines but causes a timeout on the WaitFor() call. The events show it going from Disconnected to Connecting then Connecting to Connected.
My windows machines run F-Secure and the unix websphere server returns this for the RemoteIdentification property SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.0.1 . I have tried varying terminal types and the response is the same. What am I doing wrong?

_sshClient = new SSH();

_sshClient.AllocatePty = false;
_sshClient.LicenseKey = GetLicKey();
_sshClient.Hostname = _server;
_sshClient.Login = _login;
_sshClient.Password = _pass;
_sshClient.Protocol = WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.SupportedProtocols.SSHAuto;
_sshClient.Blocking = true;
_sshClient.Timeout = 10;
_sshClient.PromptReceivedEvent += new WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.PromptReceivedDelegate(_sshClient_PromptReceivedEvent);
_sshClient.DataReceivedEvent += new WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.DataReceivedDelegate(_sshClient_DataReceivedEvent);
_sshClient.StateChangedEvent += new WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.StateChangedDelegate(_sshClient_StateChangedEvent);
_sshClient.ShowStdErrorMessages = true;

Trace.WriteLine( Establishing connection );


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