wodSFTP --vbs --Retry the Connection (General questions)
I have used the .vbs sample like the following code:
Option Explicit
Dim objFTP, lst
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodSFTPCom.1 , wod_ )
' please change these lines, from here
WScript.echo Please edit this file and setup Login, Hostname and Password properties
objFTP.Hostname = put.your.host
objFTP.Login = yourlogin
objFTP.Password = yourpass
' to here
objFTP.Blocking = 1
objFTP.ListDir ( / )
lst = objFTP.ListItem
WScript.echo lst
Sub wod_Connected(ErrorCode, ErrorText)
WScript.Echo Connected & ErrorText
End Sub
Sub wod_Disconnected()
WScript.Echo Disconnected
End Sub
The problem is I am trying to Retry the
Connection when the first connect is failing.
What can I do?
Put the Retry code into the 'wod_Connected()' events ?
*either 'on error...'or 'objFTP.LastError' can not get a string representation of the Connected error.
Re: wodSFTP --vbs --Retry the Connection
Can you explain it little bit more what is the reason of failing to connect?
So we can exactly help you with your problem.
Re: wodSFTP --vbs --Retry the Connection
Thank for your fast Reply
The reason of failing to connect is test data.
For Example:
objFTP.Login = LoginId -->User who doesn't exist
objFTP.Password = Password -->Password that doesn't exist
ErrorCode -->30015
ErrorText -->Invalid username or password reported by server.
I wants to make a batch file which can do the following :
If the first Connects to the remote server is failed ,
It will call the second Connection .
Where can I write the code of the 'call the second Connection ' ?
Can you explain it little bit more what is the reason of failing to connect?
So we can exactly help you with your problem.Regards,
Re: wodSFTP --vbs --Retry the Connection
I think this is your choice. Since you are doing this inside VBS and in blocking mode, you could do something like this (pseudo code):
while sftp1.state != connected
sftp1.hostname = something
sftp1.login = something_attempt_1
sftp1.password = something_attempt_1
sftp1.blocking = true
above loop will iterate until it connects. Now, it's your job to change Login and Password so they're taken from somewhere and populated each time differently. I don't think you should use events in VBS for this purpose.
Can you try something like that?
Re: wodSFTP --vbs --Retry the Connection
Thank you for your help
I rewriting the code like this:
Option Explicit
Dim objFTP, n
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodSFTPCom.1 , wod_ )
WScript.echo Please edit this file and setup Login, Hostname and Password properties
while objFTP.state <> 3 and n < 2
n = n + 1
objFTP.hostname = xxx.xx.x.xxx
objFTP.login = login
objFTP.password = password
WScript.Echo objFTP.state: &objFTP.state
WScript.Echo objFTP.LastError: &objFTP.LastError
WScript.Echo objFTP.LastError <> 0: &cstr(objFTP.LastError <> 0)
WScript.Echo objFTP.ErrorText(objFTP.LastError): &objFTP.ErrorText(objFTP.LastError)
WScript.Echo over
1.If the Password doesn't exist ,Execution result like this:
-------Execution result-----------
Please edit this file and setup Login, Hostname and Password properties
objFTP.LastError:30015----->some times it is objFTP.LastError:0
bjFTP.LastError <> 0: True
objFTP.ErrorText(objFTP.LastError):Invalid username or password reported by server.
objFTP.LastError:30015----->some times it is objFTP.LastError:0
bjFTP.LastError <> 0: True
objFTP.ErrorText(objFTP.LastError):Invalid username or password reported by server.
2.If the Password exist ,Execution result like this:
-------Execution result-----------
Please edit this file and setup Login, Hostname and Password properties
objFTP.LastError <> 0:false
objFTP.ErrorText(objFTP.LastError):No error
*** if set 'objFTP.blocking = true' ,It will stop by the first Error.
The problem is :
How can I get the 'Error Handling for Connect method' during the 'while.....wend'?
Could I use then 'objFTP.LastError <> 0' to judge the 'Connect' success or failure ?
I think this is your choice. Since you are doing this inside VBS and in blocking mode, you could do something like this (pseudo code):
while sftp1.state != connected
sftp1.hostname = something
sftp1.login = something_attempt_1
sftp1.password = something_attempt_1
sftp1.blocking = true
wendabove loop will iterate until it connects. Now, it's your job to change Login and Password so they're taken from somewhere and populated each time differently. I don't think you should use events in VBS for this purpose.
Can you try something like that?
Re: wodSFTP --vbs --Retry the Connection
So now only missing question is how to handle errors in VBS? If I were you I would ask google about this
but my first guess would be to set 'on error resume next'.
If I missed the question completely, please rephrase it.