Error Invalid socket or not connected... (General questions)
I'm using FtpDLX 2.5.6 ( GUI ) component on a Delphi 5 form
on WinXP Pro SP2, with Firewall(s) disabled.
The component has all designtime properties set correctly
to connect to a local FileZilla FTP server (hostname has
the local IP, Login and Password are set; Protocol is FTP ;
no proxy.
When I start my small demo and call Connect method, I only
get an error message Invalid socket or not connected... .
When trying to connect to a FTP server on a local network I
get an connection refused error although the FTP server
does not even receive any connection try.
With a tool PortExplorer I did not detect any outbound
connection try of my program.
What could be the cause for this error?
It's a little disturbing that a simple connect won't even
work whereas other FTP tools do work fine (as within
Total Commander).
Please help,