Re: C++ problem trying to use a certificate? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: C++ problem trying to use a certificate? (General questions)

by timster, Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 18:42 (6890 days ago) @ wodSupport

Hi Kreso,

Thanks for the new sample project for creating certificates. (You may want to fix this line in the code:
#import E:\WeOnlyDo\wodFtpDLX\Code\CertMng\Debug\wodCertificate.dll no_namespace named_guids
I don't think this is the correct file location for most people.) ;-)

But I already had this sample (from another download), and it doesn't help me at all with the problem.

The problem is simple:

The documentation on page 109 of the wodFtpDLX.pdf says that to use SSL you need to create a new ICertificate object, load a cert file into it, and attach it to the FTP object. That's fine, but there is no C++ example on how to do this (IMO, because you can't do it!).

Basically, I cannot combine the cert sample code with the \FtpDLXSamples\VC\ATL\ConsoleApp sample code so that I can use both the certificate interface and the FTPDlx interface at the same time because their interfaces conflict with each other.

If you try to do the following:
// import wodKeys
#import C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wodCertificate.dll no_namespace named_guids
#include Debug/wodCertificate.tlh
// import wodFtpDLX
#import C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wodFtpDLX.DLL no_namespace named_guids
#include Debug/wodFtpDlx.tlh

You will get 65 compiler errors!?

So please provide an example of how to load a cert file and attach it to a FTPDlx object in C++ (like you describe on page 109 of the PDF docs).


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