memory and thread leaks - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

memory and thread leaks (General questions)

by Paul Draper, Thursday, October 13, 2005, 10:47 (6980 days ago)


I apologise in advance for this being very vague, but I have just started investigating the problem.

We have an application which has a wodServer and wodClient pair that act like an intelligent proxy. The wodServer receives requests from the browser and pass them to the wodClient which passes them on to the real web Server. The responses back are similarly passed.

Everything seems to be working OK, except when we turn on secure mode (https). When we do this the memory size of the running exe rises rapidly, as do the number of threads being used.

I am investigating the problem, and was wondering if you have come across any memory/thread leak issues when using secure mode on the Http Com objects?


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