wodSSH in C++ Builder - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodSSH in C++ Builder (General questions)

by Ryan Crosby, Wednesday, August 31, 2005, 21:51 (7023 days ago)


I'm testing wodSSH for a client application I'm building with builder 6. I need the use of the SSH2 protocol, and I can connect to the remote server, but when I try to use the execute method to run su and further commands I get the following error:

this->Execute(Command, Prompt, Timeout, (BSTR*)&retval)) Error: 800A7548(-216798264) @ C:Program FilesBorlandCBuilder6ImportsWODSSHLib_TLB.h/685
Press[Y]es to Terminate, [N]o to Continue and [C]ancel to Debug.

I'm trying to get the program to wait for certain prompts at the remote end and fire commands once it reaches that point, but it appears to timeout immediately without waiting to see if the data is received. Any ideas what would cause this to happen? Thanks...


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