Program lockup while using tunnel - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Program lockup while using tunnel (General questions)

by user6116, Wednesday, July 06, 2005, 18:51 (7079 days ago)

I downloaded the evaluation version of the SSHTunnel software. My idea was to integrate it into my Visual Basic application so I do not need to open a putty every time I want to connect to my database. Using the SSHTunnel, I can connect to the server. Then seperate applications can use that tunnel just fine. The problem occures when I try and connect to my database thru the same program that is creating the SSHTunnel. When I try to do that, it locks up my application. Here is the process I follow.
- Run application
- Connect to server via SSHTunnel
- Connect to database via ADODB Connection to PostGre server

When I run the application and omit step 2, i have to open up an SSH Tunnel with putty, but it runs good. If I run the application and omit step 3 but keep step 2, it will open a Tunnel that I can use with other applications (including the same application with step 2 omitted). So, basicly my question is... is there a reason that when I connect to the database via ADODB after I create the SSHTunnel within the same application that it locks up?

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