Fixing http response links to point to server data (General questions)
I am new to this component - but I have a main function I need to perform.
The http response that I receive when displayed back has links that are now pointed at the machine that ran the program - not the server the response was retrieved from.
Any ideals on a quick solution to display this page just like it was from the main server (ie how the users browser would see it)?
Re: Fixing http response links to point to server
so you download remote page and show it locally, and now links are broken, correct? If so, I suggest you use wodHtmlParser component to open HTML content and find all links inside, and just prepend with server name, and save back. Can you try to do that?
Re: Fixing http response links to point to server
I am trying to call the parser routine from within ASP. Does it not work in ASP?
Re: Fixing http response links to point to server
Yes it does. Create it with WeOnlyDo.wodHtmlParser.1 . Does that work? Do you get any errors?