Can not send cookie (wodHttpDLX)
I want to send cookie to client browser, but IResponse object doesn't have something like SendCookie and its headers are read-only. What can I do?
Thanx in advance
Re: Can not send cookie
Response headers should not be read-only. What programming language do you use? Did you try to call Headers.Add( Set-Cookie ) header?
You could send your code to so we can check it out and see how to implement what you need.
Re: Can not send cookie
Thanks for fast response, it really helped.
But, I have another question: what is the role of the third param in IWebHeaders::Add method? Can it be NULL? I'm using VC++.
Thanx in advance
Re: Can not send cookie
3rd param is actually return value. You can set it to NULL if you're not interested in getting reference to new WebHeader instance.