Out of Memory Error using PutData method - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Out of Memory Error using PutData method (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by wodSupport, Thursday, August 16, 2018, 21:44 (2301 days ago) @ WDP


We create temporary file in whatever is returned as temporary folder for current user, and create random file with prefix "wod" there. Once file transfer is completed, we delete it.

So, perhaps it's safer - in case you deal with sensitive data, that you create temporary file by yourself and delete it afterwards, in which case you use PutFile instead.

I'm not sure how much data can be handled with PutData since this depends on your programming environment, but it's not expected to be hundreds of megabytes since we do also string conversion in it - and this could lead to potential issues with binary data.


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