Pop3 Server crash in x64 (wodSmtpServer / wodPop3Server / wodImapServer)
Hi Pavel.
I just tried wodPop3Server ( and it works for me. I used this C# code to try to duplicate it:
WODPOP3SERVERCOMLib.wodPop3ServerCom Pop3;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Pop3 = new WODPOP3SERVERCOMLib.wodPop3ServerCom();
Pop3.Connected += new WODPOP3SERVERCOMLib._IwodPop3ServerComEvents_ConnectedEventHandler(Pop3_Connected);
void Pop3_Connected(WODPOP3SERVERCOMLib.Pop3User User, string Username, string Password, ref WODPOP3SERVERCOMLib.Pop3Actions Action)
Action = WODPOP3SERVERCOMLib.Pop3Actions.Allow;
Can you tell me what changes I should do to see the issue?
Also, can you please update to the latest version, perhaps this issue was already fixed?
Kind regards,
Complete thread:
- Pop3 Server crash in x64 - PavelM, 2015-10-28, 13:06
- Pop3 Server crash in x64 - Jasmine, 2015-10-28, 14:19