ICQ, AOL and MSN samples (wodXMPP)
by nestorcastro, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 20:17 (3439 days ago)
Can you give some samples of connecting to ICQ, AOL, Yahoo and MSN servers?
I tried to find some sample but I didn't found any information about servers, encryption, etc
ICQ, AOL and MSN samples
by Jasmine, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 20:32 (3439 days ago) @ nestorcastro
Hi Nestor.
wodXMPP cannot do it directly, but he can do it through services available on the server. So, connect to the server that has ICQ/AOL/MSN gateways. Discover their services, and then register with the service, and they can "pipe" data for you.
I suggest you try out VB "2. IM" example. Connect to the server, and look under 'available services' combo. Choose the service and then enter your login/pass for the service, and register with it.
Can you try that?
Kind regards,
ICQ, AOL and MSN samples
by nestorcastro, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 20:56 (3439 days ago) @ Jasmine
Sorry but I think it's not clear to me.
When you say "connect to the server", which server?
ICQ, AOL and MSN samples
by Jasmine, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 21:01 (3439 days ago) @ nestorcastro
You should connect to XMPP server, since wodXMPP only speaks XMPP protocol. Then, your XMPP server should provide gateway to ICQ/MSN/AOL and other services. If they don't, try to get yourself account on other XMPP server that provide such a service.
ICQ, AOL and MSN samples
by nestorcastro, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 21:06 (3439 days ago) @ Jasmine
Can you give-me a sample? Some server that offer this kind of gateway?
There is a free server or only payed servers?
ICQ, AOL and MSN samples
by Jasmine, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 21:09 (3439 days ago) @ nestorcastro
I'm not personally using XMPP anymore so I can't give any personal advice. But if you google for 'xmpp server list' you should find many answers, such as this one:
such XMPP server list sometimes also show which services they provide, such as this list:
so perhaps you should pick some server from there?
Kind regards,