SFTP Connection error : connection forcibly closed (wodFtpDLX / wodFtpDLX.NET)
I am attempting to connect to two different SFTP sites via a SOCKS 5 Proxy using the FtpDLX component. Both represent the exact same use case, but are different sites located in completely different networks.
I'm able to connect and post files to the first one using the code below, but the second one gives me the error "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host".
Is there any more info the FtpDLX component can give me that will help me pin down what the issues is?
Here's my code -
FtpDLX ftp = new FtpDLX();
ftp.ProxyType = WeOnlyDo.Net.Sockets.ProxyTypes.ProxySocks5;
ftp.ProxyHostname = "xxx.xxx.com";
ftp.ProxyPort = 1080;
ftp.Hostname = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx";
ftp.Protocol = Protocols.SFTP;
ftp.Port = 22;
ftp.Login = "xxxxxx";
ftp.Password = "xxxxx";
SFTP Connection error : connection forcibly closed
Hi Jxt.
Does this server work with any other socks5 enabled client?
Kind regards,
SFTP Connection error : connection forcibly closed
Hi Jasmine,
Not sure and no way to check because it is external to our company.
Jayaram Thiagarajan
SFTP Connection error : connection forcibly closed
Hi Jxt,
can you answer other part of the question? Does any other client work with that server?