wodHttpDLX Memory Leak (wodHttpDLX)
I have a simple form.
One wodHttpDLX Active-X ocx on form.
A command button that says GET which simply
wodhttp.get txtdomain.text
and a textbox that is txtResponse.text
Everytime I "GET" the webpage
Yahoo for example, the memory grows. It NEVER releases the memory, visiting a webpage 500 times for example grows the memory exponentially. It makes all programs using the OCX a memory hog. Can you please help?
The MEMORY usage DOES NOT GROW when visiting a small response web page (http://google.com) but if you visit (http://yahoo.com) the memory GROWS with each VISIT.
I uploaded an example. I am eagerly awaiting your reply.
Tested on Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8.1 ALL have memory issue.
wodHttpDLX Memory Leak
We did some tests, but we are unable to duplicate this memory leak with any tools. THere are no leaks reports.
How do you measure those leaks? Can you please try again with your sample, but do not put result in TextBox. iN VB6 textbox has 64k limit, and after that it allocates memory differently, so perhaps this is why you see leaks (actually, large memory allocations) - coming from VB6 textbox, not from wodHttpDLX.
You can then, for a test, try not to reuse instance of wodHttpDLX for each new request. Grab new instance for each one.
If you just call it 500 times without doing anything with the response, do you still see it leaking? How exactly do you measure?
Perhaps this is not a leak at all, but high memory usage, and possibly not coming form wodHttpDLX.