wodHttpDLX Memory Leak (wodHttpDLX)
I have a simple form.
One wodHttpDLX Active-X ocx on form.
A command button that says GET which simply
wodhttp.get txtdomain.text
and a textbox that is txtResponse.text
Everytime I "GET" the webpage
Yahoo for example, the memory grows. It NEVER releases the memory, visiting a webpage 500 times for example grows the memory exponentially. It makes all programs using the OCX a memory hog. Can you please help?
The MEMORY usage DOES NOT GROW when visiting a small response web page (http://google.com) but if you visit (http://yahoo.com) the memory GROWS with each VISIT.
I uploaded an example. I am eagerly awaiting your reply.
Tested on Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8.1 ALL have memory issue.