receive output (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)
I am using C++, but I didn't find any property ".LicenseKey" as such though I am using wodssh.dll.
Below is the code snippet;
IwodSSHComPtr wodssh;
hres = wodssh.CreateInstance(CLSID_wodSSHCom, NULL);
wodssh->put_Blocking (VARIANT_TRUE);
wodssh->put_Hostname (bstrSite);
wodssh->put_Login (bstrUser);
wodssh->put_Password (bstrPswd);
but I am not getting wodssh->LicenseKey property to set license key.
Can you please help me out.
Ganesh Sankpal
Complete thread:
- receive output - ganesh sankpal, 2014-08-06, 16:44
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-08-06, 19:58
- receive output - ganesh sankpal, 2014-08-07, 16:12
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-08-07, 19:25
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-08-28, 10:51
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-08-28, 15:22
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-02, 14:38
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-02, 17:01
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-03, 08:34
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-03, 09:49
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-03, 12:06
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-03, 12:07
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-03, 13:04
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-03, 13:49
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-11-12, 08:37
- receive output - Jasmine, 2014-11-12, 10:56
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-11-12, 14:33
- receive output - Jasmine, 2014-11-12, 16:33
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-11-13, 06:36
- receive output - Jasmine, 2014-11-13, 16:19
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-11-13, 06:36
- receive output - Jasmine, 2014-11-12, 16:33
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-11-12, 14:33
- receive output - Jasmine, 2014-11-12, 10:56
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-11-12, 08:37
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-03, 13:49
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-03, 13:04
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-03, 12:07
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-03, 12:06
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-03, 09:49
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-03, 08:34
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-09-02, 17:01
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-09-02, 14:38
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-08-28, 15:22
- receive output - Ganesh Sankpal, 2014-08-28, 10:51
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-08-07, 19:25
- receive output - ganesh sankpal, 2014-08-07, 16:12
- receive output - wodSupport, 2014-08-06, 19:58