Reply to the message by Michael Schwing
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Category: General questionswodSSH / wodSSH.NETwodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdllwodSSHTunnelwodSSHServerwodHttpDLXwodAppUpdatewodCryptwodFtpDLX / wodFtpDLX.NETwodFTPServerwodTelnetDLXwodWebServer / wodWebServer.NETwodMailboxwodSmtpServer / wodPop3Server / wodImapServerwodPop3wodSmtpwodVPNwodXMPPOther - free products
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Many thanks for your excellent support service. I can see why you have a long list of excellent testimonials on your website.
Fantastic product by the way, it has helped us tremendously on a daily basis. Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much for your hard work and commitment in producing well thought-out solutions. WeOnlyDo is very committed to customer satisfaction!
...your service has been phenomenal. It's always quick and you are there when I need you.
WeOnlyDo!COM will be the first stop I make should I require any further off-the-shelf components.
Your professionalism is reflected into your email, your product and your web site. I am confident that these will make the difference.
Congratulations on an excellent product and first rate support!
It was no small factor, however, that your support in getting me up and running made me buy from you.
We are having great success with your component ... email server that has over 750 000 mailboxes back ended by a SQL server...