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XMPPContact Object

ExpandExpands or collapse contact's tree.
NotifySends notification to the contact.
SendMessageSends message to the contact.
SubscribeSubscribes contact to our contact list.
UnsubscribeUnsubscribes contact from our contact list.
AffiliationHolds contact's affiliation.
AliasPoints to real contact on your contact list.
CapabilitiesHolds list of capabilities supported by the contact.
FeaturesReturns contact features list.
GroupHolds name of the group for the contact.
JIDHolds full ID of the contact.
NameHolds Name part of the JID.
NickHolds nickname of the contact.
PictureReturns or sets a picture to be displayed for the contact.
PriorityHolds contact's priority.
ResourceHolds name of the resource.
RoleHolds role of the contact.
ServerNameHolds name of the server contact uses.
StatusHolds contact's status.
StatusTextReturns text representation of contact's status.
SubscriptionHolds subscription information
TagTag for misc usage.
VCardHolds VCard for contact's personal details.

