Back to product page
- Introduction
- License agreement
- Getting Started
- Enumerations
- Objects
- wodXMPP
- Methods
- Properties
- Authentication
- AutoVisible
- BackColor
- Blocking
- BorderVisible
- Capabilities
- ChatRooms
- CombineResources
- Contacts
- Enabled
- Features
- Files
- FillColor
- Font
- ForeColor
- Identity
- Language
- LastError
- LastErrorText
- Login
- Notification
- Password
- Picture
- Port
- Priority
- ProxyHostname
- ProxyLogin
- ProxyPassword
- ProxyPort
- ProxyType
- Register
- Resource
- RowHeight
- SecureMethod
- Security
- Services
- ServicesFiltered
- ShowMyself
- SmallFont
- State
- StateText
- Status
- StatusText
- TabStop
- Timeout
- UseUPnP
- VCard
- Version
- Events
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Click
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- DblClick
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- IwodXMPPNotify
- Methods
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- Methods
- XMPPChatRoom
- XMPPChatRooms
- XMPPContact
- XMPPContacts
- XMPPFeature
- XMPPFeatures
- XMPPFile
- XMPPFiles
- XMPPIdentities
- XMPPIdentity
- XMPPMessage
- XMPPService
- XMPPServices
- XMPPTags
- XMPPVars
- Methods
- Properties
- BirthDay
- Description
- FirstName
- FullName
- HomeAddress
- HomeAddressExt
- HomeCellPhone
- HomeCity
- HomeCountry
- HomeFax
- HomePhone
- HomeState
- HomeZip
- LastName
- MiddleName
- NickName
- OrganizationName
- OrganizationUnit
- Photo
- PhotoData
- PhotoURL
- Role
- Title
- WorkAddress
- WorkAddressExt
- WorkCellPhone
- WorkCity
- WorkCountry
- WorkFax
- WorkPhone
- WorkState
- WorkZip
- wodXMPP
- How to get support?
- Technical information
- Fast notifications interface
- Error list
Notify method
Sends notification to the contact.
- Basic
object.Notify (NotifyID, [Data])
The Notify(object,NotifyID,Data) syntax has these parts:
The Notify(object,NotifyID,Data) syntax has these parts:
object | An expression evaluating to an object of type XMPPContact |
NotifyID | ContactNotifyEnum enumeration. |
Data | Optional parameter. Specifies data to be sent along with notification. |
This method sends notification to some contact, provided through JID argument. Type of notification is defined as NotifyID parameter. Depending on chosen notification type, you should set appropriate Data value too. For possible list of available NotifyID values click here.JID can contain any user no matter if he is on your contact list or not. It can also contact contact's Resource, but you can also leave it out.