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List Method

Lists all chat rooms available on the server.


  • Basic
object.List ([Service])
The List(object,Service) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type XMPPChatRooms


List method will try to obtain full list of all chat rooms that are available on the server or on some service on the server. You should set Service argument pointing to any of the services that can provide chat rooms. It can be string value (service JID), integer value (index of the service in the Services collection) or reference to service object. If Service argument isn't provided, all services will be queried on the server asking them to provide list of chat rooms they have. Listing can be time consuming process (IRC, as example, has several thousands of chat rooms), and could download megabytes of data. Sometimes it is more convenient to call Add method instead, to add specific chat room to the collection.

