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Join method

Joins a chat room.


  • Basic
object.Join (RoomName, Nick, Password, [Service])
The Join(object,RoomName,Nick,Password,Service) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type XMPPChatRooms
RoomNameA String value. Holds name of the room you want to join.
NickA String value. Holds nickname you would like to use in the chat room.
PasswordA String value. Holds password, if required.
ServiceXMPPService object


Join method will join the chat room. Once you join the room, you will receive list of contacts in the room and ContactList event will fire. You can access contacts from Contacts collection. Calling Leave method will send 'Unavailable' presence to other contacts in that room.

RoomName argument can provide full JID of the room, such as, or it can only provide room name test in which case Service argument must be set too.

Nick specifies nickname you would prefer to use. If nickname is taken, Error event will be fired.

Password should be set if chat room you wish to join requires one, otherwise leave empty.

Service argument may contain reference to the service that provides the chat room, or service JID such as

