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Error event

Fires when server returns an error.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_Error (ByRef Contact, ByRef ChatRoom, ByRef Service, ByVal ErrorCode, ByVal ErrorText)
The Error(Contact,ChatRoom,Service,ErrorCode,ErrorText) syntax has these parts:
ContactXMPPContact object
ChatRoomXMPPChatRoom object
ServiceXMPPService object
ErrorCodeA Long value. Holds numeric value of the error, if provided.
ErrorTextA String value. Holds text description of the error, if provided.


This event is fired when error was reported by the sever related to some action. It could be related action that you just performed, but also to actions that were performed minutes ago, hours ago, or perhaps because something happened on the server side that caused error to occur. If error is related to the Contact, ChatRoom, or the Service, corresponding argument will be set up pointing to instance that is related to the error.

wodXMPP will try to obtain as much information about the error as possible and provide it in ErrorCode and ErrorText arguments.

