Back to product page
- Introduction
- License agreement
- Getting Started
- Enumerations
- Objects
- wodXMPP
- Methods
- Properties
- Authentication
- AutoVisible
- BackColor
- Blocking
- BorderVisible
- Capabilities
- ChatRooms
- CombineResources
- Contacts
- Enabled
- Features
- Files
- FillColor
- Font
- ForeColor
- Identity
- Language
- LastError
- LastErrorText
- Login
- Notification
- Password
- Picture
- Port
- Priority
- ProxyHostname
- ProxyLogin
- ProxyPassword
- ProxyPort
- ProxyType
- Register
- Resource
- RowHeight
- SecureMethod
- Security
- Services
- ServicesFiltered
- ShowMyself
- SmallFont
- State
- StateText
- Status
- StatusText
- TabStop
- Timeout
- UseUPnP
- VCard
- Version
- Events
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Click
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- DblClick
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- IwodXMPPNotify
- Methods
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- Methods
- XMPPChatRoom
- XMPPChatRooms
- XMPPContact
- XMPPContacts
- XMPPFeature
- XMPPFeatures
- XMPPFile
- XMPPFiles
- XMPPIdentities
- XMPPIdentity
- XMPPMessage
- XMPPService
- XMPPServices
- XMPPTags
- XMPPVars
- Methods
- Properties
- BirthDay
- Description
- FirstName
- FullName
- HomeAddress
- HomeAddressExt
- HomeCellPhone
- HomeCity
- HomeCountry
- HomeFax
- HomePhone
- HomeState
- HomeZip
- LastName
- MiddleName
- NickName
- OrganizationName
- OrganizationUnit
- Photo
- PhotoData
- PhotoURL
- Role
- Title
- WorkAddress
- WorkAddressExt
- WorkCellPhone
- WorkCity
- WorkCountry
- WorkFax
- WorkPhone
- WorkState
- WorkZip
- wodXMPP
- How to get support?
- Technical information
- Fast notifications interface
- Error list
ContactStatusChange event
Fires when contact's status changes.
- Basic
Private Sub object_ContactStatusChange (ByRef Contact, ByRef ChatRoom, ByVal NewStatus, ByVal OldStatus)
The ContactStatusChange(Contact,ChatRoom,NewStatus,OldStatus) syntax has these parts:
The ContactStatusChange(Contact,ChatRoom,NewStatus,OldStatus) syntax has these parts:
Contact | XMPPContact object |
ChatRoom | XMPPChatRoom object |
NewStatus | StatusEnum enumeration |
OldStatus | StatusEnum enumeration |
Fired each time when your contact changes his online status. When this happens, the event will provide you with two parameters, Contact - which provides you with the reference to XMPPContact object of the contact that changed his status, and OldStatus which provides you with information what your contact's previous status was.If this contact is only from some chat room, ChatRoom argument will hold reference to the chat room.
When your contact is connected more than once using different resources, Resource property will contain all of them, but first one listed there is one that caused this event to fire.