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Click event

Fires when user performs mouse click.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_Click (ByRef Contact, ByVal LButton, ByVal RButton, ByVal XPos, ByVal YPos)
The Click(Contact,LButton,RButton,XPos,YPos) syntax has these parts:
ContactXMPPContact object.
LButtonA Boolean value. Returns True if left mouse button was clicked.
RButtonA Boolean value. Returns True if Right mouse button was clicked.
XPosAn Integer value. Provides you with X coordinate of the position where the click was performed.
YPosAn Integer value. Provides you with Y coordinate of the position where the click was performed.


Available only in ActiveX (GUI) version!

Click Event will trigger each time user performs mouse click wodXMPP window. It will trigger for both Left or Right mouse click. This is where you want do decide what operations will be enabled for user to perform.

In order to check which mouse button was clicked, you are provided with LButton and RButton parameters. Both of them will return True if clicked, False if not.

The event will also provide you with coordinates (thru XPos and YPos parameters) of the point where the click was performed. This information can be used if you wish to present user with a submenu at the same location as the cursor.

The Event also provides you with the reference to XMPPContact object. This will allow you to retrieve personal information for the user who the click was performed on.

