Back to product page
- Introduction
- License agreement
- Getting Started
- Enumerations
- Objects
- wodXMPP
- Methods
- Properties
- Authentication
- AutoVisible
- BackColor
- Blocking
- BorderVisible
- Capabilities
- ChatRooms
- CombineResources
- Contacts
- Enabled
- Features
- Files
- FillColor
- Font
- ForeColor
- Identity
- Language
- LastError
- LastErrorText
- Login
- Notification
- Password
- Picture
- Port
- Priority
- ProxyHostname
- ProxyLogin
- ProxyPassword
- ProxyPort
- ProxyType
- Register
- Resource
- RowHeight
- SecureMethod
- Security
- Services
- ServicesFiltered
- ShowMyself
- SmallFont
- State
- StateText
- Status
- StatusText
- TabStop
- Timeout
- UseUPnP
- VCard
- Version
- Events
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Click
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- DblClick
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- IwodXMPPNotify
- Methods
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- Methods
- XMPPChatRoom
- XMPPChatRooms
- XMPPContact
- XMPPContacts
- XMPPFeature
- XMPPFeatures
- XMPPFile
- XMPPFiles
- XMPPIdentities
- XMPPIdentity
- XMPPMessage
- XMPPService
- XMPPServices
- XMPPTags
- XMPPVars
- Methods
- Properties
- BirthDay
- Description
- FirstName
- FullName
- HomeAddress
- HomeAddressExt
- HomeCellPhone
- HomeCity
- HomeCountry
- HomeFax
- HomePhone
- HomeState
- HomeZip
- LastName
- MiddleName
- NickName
- OrganizationName
- OrganizationUnit
- Photo
- PhotoData
- PhotoURL
- Role
- Title
- WorkAddress
- WorkAddressExt
- WorkCellPhone
- WorkCity
- WorkCountry
- WorkFax
- WorkPhone
- WorkState
- WorkZip
- wodXMPP
- How to get support?
- Technical information
- Fast notifications interface
- Error list
ServiceStatusChange callback method
Called when service's status changes.
- Basic
object.ServiceStatusChange (Owner, Service)
The ServiceStatusChange(object,Owner,Service) syntax has these parts:
The ServiceStatusChange(object,Owner,Service) syntax has these parts:
object | An expression evaluating to an object of type IwodXMPPNotify |
Owner | An expression evaluating to an object of type wodXMPP |
Service | XMPPService object |
This method is called only if you implemented IwodXMPPNotify interface in your application, and wodXMPP.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.This notification method is called each time some service changes it's status. The notification method will provide you with reference to XMPPService object, which allows to access its properties.