Back to product page
- Introduction
- License agreement
- Getting Started
- Enumerations
- Objects
- wodXMPP
- Methods
- Properties
- Authentication
- AutoVisible
- BackColor
- Blocking
- BorderVisible
- Capabilities
- ChatRooms
- CombineResources
- Contacts
- Enabled
- Features
- Files
- FillColor
- Font
- ForeColor
- Identity
- Language
- LastError
- LastErrorText
- Login
- Notification
- Password
- Picture
- Port
- Priority
- ProxyHostname
- ProxyLogin
- ProxyPassword
- ProxyPort
- ProxyType
- Register
- Resource
- RowHeight
- SecureMethod
- Security
- Services
- ServicesFiltered
- ShowMyself
- SmallFont
- State
- StateText
- Status
- StatusText
- TabStop
- Timeout
- UseUPnP
- VCard
- Version
- Events
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Click
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- DblClick
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- IwodXMPPNotify
- Methods
- ChatRoomData
- ChatRoomInvite
- ChatRoomListDone
- Connected
- ContactAuthRequest
- ContactList
- ContactSearchDone
- ContactStatusChange
- Disconnected
- Error
- FileTransferEnd
- FileTransferProgress
- FileTransferStart
- HostCertificate
- IncomingMessage
- IncomingNotification
- Pong
- PreTranslateCommand
- PreTranslateReply
- PrivateData
- ServiceRegister
- ServiceStatusChange
- StateChange
- UnhandledIQ
- VCardDetails
- Methods
- XMPPChatRoom
- XMPPChatRooms
- XMPPContact
- XMPPContacts
- XMPPFeature
- XMPPFeatures
- XMPPFile
- XMPPFiles
- XMPPIdentities
- XMPPIdentity
- XMPPMessage
- XMPPService
- XMPPServices
- XMPPTags
- XMPPVars
- Methods
- Properties
- BirthDay
- Description
- FirstName
- FullName
- HomeAddress
- HomeAddressExt
- HomeCellPhone
- HomeCity
- HomeCountry
- HomeFax
- HomePhone
- HomeState
- HomeZip
- LastName
- MiddleName
- NickName
- OrganizationName
- OrganizationUnit
- Photo
- PhotoData
- PhotoURL
- Role
- Title
- WorkAddress
- WorkAddressExt
- WorkCellPhone
- WorkCity
- WorkCountry
- WorkFax
- WorkPhone
- WorkState
- WorkZip
- wodXMPP
- How to get support?
- Technical information
- Fast notifications interface
- Error list
List of enumerated values used by various wodXMPP properties.
AffiliationsEnum | This is list of possible affiliations that are used with chat rooms. |
AuthenticationsEnum | This is list of possible authentication methods between wodXMPP and XMPP server. |
ContactNotifyEnum | These are constants for some notification wodXMPP can provide related to contacts. They are used with IncomingNotification event. |
IdentityCategoryEnum | These are categories services can have. For example, chat gateways will have 'CatGateway' identity. |
IqTypes | These are constants for UnhandledIQ event. |
LanguageEnum | |
MessageTypesEnum | These are types of messages you can exchange with contacts. You can freely choose which one you want to use when you initiate chat with them. |
ProxyTypes | List shows all methods of proxy types supported by wodXMPP. |
RolesEnum | This is list of roles of the contact in the chat room. It is used with Role property. |
SecureMethodsEnum | |
SecurityEnum | These are security types to be used with Security property. |
StatesEnum | These are raw states component can have during your session. |
StatusEnum | Your contacts can see you having one of below statuses. |
SubscriptionsEnum | Following values determine how are you subscribed to remote contact. It determines if remote contact sees you on his contact list, if you see him, etc.. |
VariableTypesEnum | These are variable types that can be used XMPPVar and XMPPVar objects - which define how server provided certain values. You can use it for ChatRoom properties, or whenever server presents the data as a form - and these are variables. For example, you can find it also in ContactSearchDone event. |
XMPPActionsEnum | These are action settings that can be used with wodXMPP's events - by setting Action property in certain events you determine if you allow certain action or not. |