VPNMediator Object

VPNMediator Class


VPNMediator object is responsible for making wodVPN being a mediator - service that is responsible for locating peers and exchanging their data between two peers that search for each other. Once you Start it on predefined ports, and make your peers use their Search method with your mediator's details, you don't need to do anything else, mediator will do complete job for you. You can, if you wish, check MediatorConnected, MediatorExchangeData and MediatorDisconnected events to see who is connecting to the mediator, and who is searching for peers.


StartStarts accepting packets.
StopStops accepting packets.

BindIPRead-write propertyHolds IP where mediator has bind the socket.
PortRead-only propertyReturns port where mediator listens.
TimeoutRead-write propertyTimeout for discarding old peers, in seconds.
TypeRead-only propertyHolds type of mediation.