IwodVPNNotify Object

Fast notification interface.


The IwodVPNNotify interface is a fast notifications interface that you should implement in your application if you want it to "take over" notification methods. When implemented and the wodVPNCom.Notification property is set to the instance of object that implements this interface, wodVPN will call these methods instead of firing it's events. As you can see - each event has a corresponding notification method (or callback).


ChannelStartCalled when specific channel has started.
ChannelStopCalled when specific channel has stopped.
Connected Called when wodVPN connects to remote wodVPN instance.
DisconnectedCalled when wodVPN disconnects from remote wodVPN instance.
FindMTUDoneCalled when MTU calculation is completed.
IncomingDataCalled when byte data message arrives from remote side.
IncomingTextCalled when text message arrives from remote side.
MediatorConnectedCalled when mediator receives first packet from one peer.
MediatorDisconnected Called after mediator stops receiving packets from the peer.
MediatorExchangeData Called when mediator sends packet to peer.
SearchDoneCalled when Search method completes its search for remote wodVPN peer.
SocksBind Called when user wants to open incoming connection through remote wodVPN peer.
SocksConnectCalled when user wants to open outgoing connection through remote wodVPN.
StateChangeCalled when wodVPN changes its state.
TCPConnected Called when TCP handler connects to remote peer, or to mediator.
TCPDisconnected Called after TCP handler disconnects from mediator, or from remote peer.
UPnPMapping Called when new UPnP port mapping was created.
UserConnectedCalled when user connects to listening channel.
UserConnectingCalled when user wants to connect to listening channel.
UserDisconnectedCalled when user disconnects from the channel.
VPNRequestCalled when VPN connection is requested by remote side.