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TerminalEmulation property

Determines local terminal emulation.


TerminalEmulationsEnum enumeration


  • Basic
object.TerminalEmulation [= value]
The TerminalEmulation(object) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodTelnetDLX


This property is only available in OCX (GUI) version of the component.

wodTelnetDLX currently supports two emulations: VT100 and Linux.

Setting this property to support VT100 emulation will make wodTelnetDLX internally handle ANSI escape sequences, and perform specific actions based on those sequences. For example, server may send sequence to clear screen, to position cursor at specific location, to inverse part of text etc.. wodTelnetDLX will do so to make client terminal visually effective. You can use PrintText method internally to print text inside client area (at current cursor position), even including ANSI escape sequences.

Note that wodTelnetDLX does not fully implement VT100 emulation. Basic things are implemented to support various programs running on UNIX machines. We tested joe, elm, vi, pine, redhat setup.... and they seemed to perform properly.

If you have specific needs, vt100 can be updated to support even more functions. Same applies to Linux emulation - you will get colors, character modes etc..

NOTE: Changing this property will make TerminalType property also to be changed internally by wodTelnetDLX. If you want to set different value to TerminalType, you should do it after changing this property.

