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PrintText method

Prints text in the terminal window.


  • Basic
object.PrintText (Text)
The PrintText(object,Text) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodTelnetDLX
TextA String value. Text that should be printed in client area.


This method is only available in OCX (GUI) version of the component.

Although wodTelnetDLX will automatically handle received data and show it in the client area, you can use this method to manually add text that will be printed to it. Our basic sample does this, using code like this:
wodTelnetDLX1.PrintText "Please enter hostname: "
Private Sub wodTelnetDLX1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
 wodTelnetDLX1.PrintText Chr$(KeyAscii)
End Sub
wodTelnetDLX1.PrintText vbCrLf & "Trying to connect to "...

When using PrintText method, you can even send ANSI escape sequences to be handled by wodTelnetDLX (if TerminalEmulation is set to VT100), so you can, for example, position cursor at will.

