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Connected callback method

Called when wodTelnetDLX connects to remote server.


  • Basic
object.Connected (Owner, ErrorCode, ErrorText)
The Connected(object,Owner,ErrorCode,ErrorText) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type IwodTelnetNotify
OwnerAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodTelnetDLX
ErrorCodeAn Integer value. Error that occurred, if any.
ErrorTextA String value. Text description of the error, if any.


NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodTelnetNotify interface in your application, and wodTelnet.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

Connected notification method will be called always after Connect method is issued. If wodTelnetDLX successfully connected to server, ErrorCode will be set to 0, and you can start sending/receiving data from server. If ErrorCode is different than 0, then wodTelnetDLX will immediatelly close the connection.

For SSH and SSL protocols, it is possible that wodTelnetDLX will internally negotiate connection parameters, before Connected notification method is called at all. This is done to make wodTelnetDLX as much transparent to protocol used as possible. You might notice packets transmitted to/from server in the meantime, meaning wodTelnetDLX connected already but is still negotiating protocol parameters.

If SSH protocols are used, please check Protocol property as you might see it changed internally by wodTelnetDLX. This is possible if you set it to SSHAuto. wodTelnetDLX will negotiate possible SSH protocol version, and change Protocol property accordingly.

