wodSmtpServer ActiveX Control - wodSmtpServer Object

wodSmtpServer Class

Object Model

About Displays about box.
QueryDNS Sends query to DNS server for the address.
Start Starts Smtp server.
Stop Stops Smtp server.

Activated Read-only property Determines if Smtp server is activated or not.
AddFromLine Read-write property Determines if Smtp server will add 'From' line at the beginning of each received message.
AddReceivedHeader Read-write property Determines if Smtp server will add 'Received' header to the message.
Authentication Read-write property Determines if Smtp server requires authentication.
BindIP Read-write property Determines local interface address that is listening.
Certificate Read-write property Holds private certificate/private key information.
DNSHostname Read-write property Holds hostname of DNS server.
GoodbyeMessage Read-write property Holds goodbye message sent to user when disconnecting.
GreetingMessage Read-write property Holds greeting message sent to user upon connection.
MyHostname Read-write property Holds hostname of local computer.
MyIP Read-write property Holds IP address of local computer.
Notification Read-write property Fast notification interface to use instead of events.
Port Read-write property Determines port number used for listening.
Relays Read-only property Holds collection of all messages that need to be relayed.
Security Read-write property Determines if SSL is used.
Threads Read-write property Determines if users and relays are running in separate threads.
Timeout Read-write property Timeout value, in seconds.
UseIPv6 Read-only property Holds reference to collection of currently connected users.
Users Read-only property Holds reference to collection of currently connected users.
Version Read-write property Holds version information.

Authenticate Fires when user wants to authenticate with the server.
Command Fires when user issues new command.
Connected Fires when user successfully connects to Smtp server.
Connecting Fires when new user is connecting to server.
Disconnected Fires when user disconnects from server.
DNSResponse Fires when DNS query returns.
ExpandAddress Fires when user wants to expand an address or an alias
HeadersReceived Fires when user sends message headers.
HeloReceived Fires when user sends HELO/EHLO command.
MailFrom Fires when user specifies sender of the message
MailReceived Fires when user finished sending mail body.
MailReset Fires when user sends RSET command to reset any issued commands.
MailStart Fires when user starts sending mail body.
MailTo Fires when user specifies receiver of the message
RelayCertificate Fires when remote server provides its certificate.
RelayDone Fires when relaying completes.
RelayError Fires when relaying encounters unrecoverable error.
RelayStateChange Fires when relaying changes its state.
StateChange Fires when user's state changes
VerifyAddress Fires when user wants to verify an address