wodSmtpServer ActiveX Control - Notifications Object

This is the list of all methods that should be implemented by IwodSmtpNotify interface in your applications.


IwodSmtpNotify interface is a fast notifications interface you should implement in your application if you want it to "take over" events. When implemented, and wodSmtpServerCom.Notification property is set to the instance of object that implements this interface, wodSmtpServer will call above methods instead of firing it's events. As you can see - each event has corresponding notification method (callback).

Authenticate Called when user wants to authenticate with the server.
Command Called when user issues new command.
Connected Called when user successfully connects to Smtp server.
Connecting Called when new user is connecting to server.
Disconnected Called when user disconnects from server.
DNSResponse Called when DNS query returns.
ExpandAddress Called when user wants to expand an address or an alias
HeadersReceived Called when user sends message headers.
HeloReceived Called when user sends HELO/EHLO command.
MailFrom Called when user specifies sender of the message
MailReceived Called when user finished sending mail body.
MailReset Called when user sends RSET command to reset any issued commands.
MailStart Called when user starts sending mail body.
MailTo Called when user specifies receiver of the message
RelayCertificate Called when remote server provides its certificate.
RelayDone Called when relaying completes.
RelayError Called when relaying encounters unrecoverable error.
RelayStateChange Called when relaying changes its state.
StateChange Called when user's state changes
VerifyAddress Called when user wants to verify an address