wodSmtpServer ActiveX Control - RelayError Method


Called when relaying encounters unrecoverable error.

Return Type



object.RelayError Owner, Relay, ErrorCode, ErrorText

The RelayError Method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type wodSmtpNotify.
Owner Required. A wodSmtpServer object. Reference to wodSmtpServerCom instance that called this callback method.
Relay Required. A SmtpRelay object. Reference to the relay that had errors.
ErrorCode Required. A Long value. Value of error that occurred.
ErrorText Required. A String value. Text description of the error.


NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodSmtpNotify interface in your application, and wodSmtpServer1.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

RelayError notification method is called when wodSmtpServer is unable to relay specific email, and has to stop relaying (only that instance of relay) until you decide what to do. ErrorCode and ErrorText arguments will provide information on why relaying was not successful.

You can now try to manually send the message, or provide additional information for the message (such as, to change Hostname, MailTo property etc..) and then just Retry the relay.