When message is received and has to be saved to local
file, typically Smtp servers will add one line to the
beginning of each message. This line looks like this:
From joe@linux Sun Jun 11 19:48:24 2002
it means that it was received by joe@linux on above date. What is put here has
no direct use for Smtp server, but is only a form of
notification for you since actual message contents may be
different (for numerous reasons).
Also, when there is more than one message saved to same
file one after another, there must be some way to split
messages so reader program knows where previous message
ends, and next begins. Usually, this is done using above
By default, wodSmtpServer will add this line to each new
message. But, if you don't want that line in received
messages, you can set AddFromLine property to False. This
is very useful if you will only relay message and that line
would just confuse other servers.
If you're storing message to files, especially if
you're appending them - make sure you set this property
to True, otherwise messages will not be properly
read by reader application.