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Load Method

Loads message from the file on disk.


  • Basic
object.Load (Filename)
The Load(object,Filename) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type SmtpMsg
FilenameRequired. A String value. Specifies name of the file to load.


Load method will load predefined message from the disk, and parse it internally so it can be changed and sent to SMTP server. wodSmtp may slightly change the message when it loads it, so it can "fit" into its collections, but resulting message that is sent to SMTP server should not change in its contents.

When message is loaded, you can access its Headers, you can change Parts, PlainText, HTMLText etc.. You can also Attach files to the message before it's sent.

When loaded, message is kept in the memory as long as wodSmtp exists - or until new message is loaded.

