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CreateSimple Method

Creates simple message.


  • Basic
object.CreateSimple (From, To, Subject, Text)
The CreateSimple(object,From,To,Subject,Text) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSmtp
FromRequired. A String value. Specifies sender of the message.
ToRequired. A String value. Specifies recipient of the message.
SubjectRequired. A String value. Specifies message subject.
TextRequired. A String value. Holds body of the message - actual message content you want to send.


CreateSimple method is a one-line-command that can be used in your applications to create email message that has only text. Message will not be sent. You can add one or more attachments if needed using Message.Attach method. You can also change message headers, or any other field necessary.

It is not required to use CreateSimple method to send such message - you can create similar message from scratch using appropriate properties and methods. By using this method, wodSmtp creates 'template' message and puts appropriate values to appropriate parts.

To finally send the message, use SendMessage method.

