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Certificate Property

Holds private certificate/private key information.


A ICertificate object. Reference to object that holds certificate (and private key) information.


  • Basic
object.Certificate [= value]
The Certificate(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSmtp
valueAn ICertificate object.


If you don't plan to deal with certificates or private keys, most probably you will never use this property. But - if you plan to connect to servers that require client certificate for the connection then you will need to specify this property.

This property should be set to valid ICertificate object which is part of our 'Certificate Management library' shipped with the installation package of wodSmtp. It will allow you to Load, Save, Generate... certificates which can be used directly by the server, or should by signed by 3rd party authority and then used with the server. It can combine both OpenSSL type certificates, as well ones located in your Microsoft Windows crypto stores - and handle them transparently.

Setting certificate is really easy. Typically, you could do it like this:
Set Smtp.Certificate = New Certificate
Smtp.Certificate.Load "C:\mycert.cer"
Smtp.Certificate.LoadKey "C:\mycert.key"

wodSmtp internally will never create this object (it only uses it), so if you don't plan to use ICertificate object, you don't have to distribute wodCertificate.DLL with your application.

