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SocksBind event

Fires when a user wants to open an incoming connection through a socks server.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_SocksBind(Chan, User, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, Login, Password, Allow)
The SocksBind(object,Chan,User,RemoteAddress,RemotePort,Login,Password,Allow) syntax has these parts:
objectA wodTunnel object.
ChanA Channel object. Reference to the channel used.
UserAn User object. Reference to the user who wants to bind remote port.
RemoteAddressA String value. Hostname or IP address of the bound address.
RemotePortA Long value. Port that should be opened for listening.
LoginA String value. Login/Username supplied by the user to access wodSSHTunnel's socks features.
PasswordA String value. Password supplied by the user to access wodSSHTunnel's socks features.
AllowA Boolean value. When set to False, wodSSHTunnel aborts socks request.


The SocksBind event is only fired if you have created the channel using the SocksProxy setting in the Channel.Type property and a user wants to open a port on the SSH server that services should connect to prior to being forwarded locally. When this notification is called, you will get information about this socks request that you should evaluate before setting the Allow argument accordingly.

This event informs you that a request has been made - this does not mean that a connection will be established (it may still fail with an error), but in this case you will get the appropriate event fired (such as the UserDisconnected event).

wodSSHTunnel cannot know the IP address of the interface actually used for listening. Typically, this will be the IP address of the outgoing interface on the SSH server but this information is never available, even to wodSSHTunnel. So, in order for applications to receive the correct IP address, you will need to populate it yourself. When doing so, please provide the IP address of the interface, not its hostname.

